Every year, your favorite media franchises take one special day out of the year to focus on celebrating the fans and everything we do to make that franchise what it is. The dates for these fan days are connected to the franchise itself in some way: Star Trek celebrated “First Contact Day” every April 5th […]
Category: Pokémon Unite

So yesterday Pokémon UNITE was released and I got a few good rounds in… and I’m kinda… meh about it. I doubt that’ll be a surprise to anyone because, well, let’s be honest: Pokémon UNITE has a bit of a frosty reception in the gaming community. Why? Well, as PA! Staff member Teslalyte—habitual League of […]

Just gonna keep this post short-and-sweet for today. First off! This is a big one for me: after not posting for a few months between March and June because I was working my butt off trying to get a Unity Certification… I finally got my Unity Certification! Huzzah, good times!! Yay! So yeah, if you need […]
There’s been a bunch of other little tidbits that I’ve been meaning to talk about, but not enough to warrant a whole post about it. I guess maybe I just want to share something quick with youse-gaise just so show you that I’ve got my foot in those doors. Pokémon TCG Raid Battles Ooh jeez… […]