Every year, your favorite media franchises take one special day out of the year to focus on celebrating the fans and everything we do to make that franchise what it is. The dates for these fan days are connected to the franchise itself in some way: Star Trek celebrated “First Contact Day” every April 5th […]
Category: Pokémon Legends

Oh man… OK so whether or not you’re new to this site, you might have known that a new “Pokémon Presents” video was released worldwide yesterday. Wait, you DIDN’T see it? Well what are you waiting for then? Check it out below! Pretty nifty stuff, huh?? Now if you’re new to this site, I […]

Oh boy! Well, while I’ve been taking care of real life stuff and Marvin has been complaining about it, ElementsnStuff over at the PA! Discord has been filling in some gaps in the various languages of Pokémon, namely Lentalian and Sinnohese, as seen in their respective and upcoming Pokémon video games for Nintendo Switch, New […]

Yeah hey so, part of the reason why I did my little repair job over the last couple days was partially to let some new Pokémon Legends Arceus theories and ideas build up… and boy did they! Once again, PA! Discord member ElementsnStuff is still over at the The Research Sector and we’ve been knocking our heads […]

OK, I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I got a little sidetracked. But good thing I waited a bit, because I’ve got a TON of share with you today! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves too much. First off, CHILBLANE posted the following picture over in The Research Sector on the PA! […]