Category: Pokémon TCG

Pokémon TCG related stuff.

Insert teletext sound in the background

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new idea I have planned for the site: the PA! Weekly Roundup! This is where, instead of writing up a bespoke post every time I do something, I’ll instead just pull everything cool that I found, or that others share with me, and just stick them into a single […]

The long lost Pokémon TCG is now revealed!

So back around March 2020, during the height of the human malware event… I get a phone call from someone who wanted to ask me a few questions about something I wrote on the site. My Midwest genes kicked in and I was all about sharing whatever I could to this complete stranger, because… y’know… […]

[slaps roof of fake card] this bad boy can fit so many HP and energy symbols in its weakness

It’s December! … But of course you knew that. Since this is the season of giving, I’m gonna give it my all and try to focus on fake cards for a while. This may mean that I’ll be focusing less on writing actual news posts and instead updating the various other parts of the site. […]

It may be twenty years hence, but we can't forget the nostalgia-fans and old-mags of Pokémon!

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating earlier… BDSP has kinda… well,… absorbed my time. Plus I’m still getting used to my new work/sleep schedule; like, in the past I usually would start working on an article around 9pm my time, but that was because I could go to bed any time I want. Now my […]

It's Super Effective!

Good gravy that was annoying, but it’s good to be back! Today I’ll share with you what has happened over the last couple months, some tinsy changed happening with site post cycle, as well as two little Pokémon TCG-tidbits that I found out about in the mean time. This post is not to be missed!!

Ok, you can stop poking me now...

God being an adult is the best thing in the world. This is what I’ve always been waiting for ever since I was a kid. I don’t have to go to school anymore, I don’t have adults breathing down my neck… I’m my own man, totally free to do whatever I want! Eat ice cream […] two bonus fakes! Well, one for now, the other is a secret and will be revealed later.

Er, I mean, it’s not a magazine of illustrations that came with a card insert which happens to be in English… but… aw, here, lemme explain: So a few months back, the March 2021 issue of the Japanese-language magazine “illustration” (イラストレーション) had a special issue dedicated to all kinds of Pokémon TCG artwork used throughout […]

For once 'Zoom in and enhance' actually works!

So in my last post I talked about two different times when the various stewards of the Pokémon TCG had accidentally (or maybe “”accidentally””??) revealed how Pokémon TCG cards are designed. But I also said it would be a two-parter, because this third story is pretty big. Like, seriously big. Not only did they basically give us a complete example of how a Pokémon TCG is designed and made, but it actually gives us like… a hundred other complete examples as well! …OK well, maybe not a literal hundred… maybe more closer to like… ninety-two examples. Still tho, this are some AWESOME discoveries that you’re not gonna wanna miss, and it even dovetails perfectly in the “Prototype Blastoise” story from a few months back!