God being an adult is the best thing in the world. This is what I’ve always been waiting for ever since I was a kid. I don’t have to go to school anymore, I don’t have adults breathing down my neck… I’m my own man, totally free to do whatever I want! Eat ice cream […]
Category: eReader

Just gonna keep this post short-and-sweet for today. First off! This is a big one for me: after not posting for a few months between March and June because I was working my butt off trying to get a Unity Certification… I finally got my Unity Certification! Huzzah, good times!! Yay! So yeah, if you need […]

I’m just gonna make this a quickie post just because I really don’t have much to chat about this time, but I’ve got two minor updates out of the way. e-Reader Page Updates First off: since adding the e-Reader Sprites and e-Reader Entries pages to the site, I’ve been working hard on getting as […]

Happy Fourth of Juley! If you’re not putting the pedal to the medal then you can bet that I am! I’ve been racin’ round the world just like Dragonite trying to unlock the long-lost mysteries of the Card-E set, just for you! Did I add in enough EXCLAIMATION MARKS for you? Well here’s a freebee […]