So with the release of the “The Crown Tundra” DLC pack for Sword/Shield two days back, I’ve been carefully pouring over all of the new stuff that was released in it. And by “carefully pouring over”, I mean “hastily playing catch-up because I only just downloaded the DLC after forgetting all about it for two […]
Category: Research
OK, I’m gonna keep this quick and simple. For a while now, the Gold/Silver Lost Pokémon page used some simple versions of the sprite image files, and because of which, it didn’t really look nice when rendered on the site. Also, since the images themselves varied in size, and I posted them on the site […]
Ok so I really haven’t been following the Pokémon anime (Cartoon? Animation?) for quite some time, so imagine my surprise when I discovered that they’re using Galarian text in the show! If you don’t watch it either, then take a look at the following clip (you also don’t need to know any Korean to understand […]
Ok so in the background I’ve been working on all kinds of projects, ad I’ve always done… one if which being looking a bit deeper into the Pokémon GO Stats randomization system. If you need a refresher on how Pokémon GO’s ststs work, check out the GO page… but basically the idea here is that, […]
Alright so, after catching some more Pokémon in Pokémon GO, I restarted my data collection to see if my original IV data was skewed to show a greater bias towards higher IVs, or if the in-game IV randomizer was what was doing it. As a reminder, I noticed that in Pokémon GO, the IVs that […]
OK, I’m only about 30 minutes into the new DLC, but it’s also almost midnight, so I’ll just share just a few little tidbits of Galarian words that I’ve seen so far. They include… Avery’s name is spelled ea4jQy9 Since his Japanese name is セイボリー Seiborii (or Seiborī), it’s likely the final i is dropped, […]
I think Pokémon GO skews numbers slightly (albeit for the better). OK so just as a quick reminder, each Pokémon in Pokémon GO has three stats—Attack, Defense and HP—and those stats are given some degree of variability through the use of IVs, which are numbered between 0 and 15, and therefore will total some value […]
Oh man, a couple days back this super cute Pokémon cartoonyes, a cartoonwas posted on an (un?)official Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel, called “Scraggy & Mimikyu”. It was made to emulate the old skool Disney and Warner Bros cartoons from the 30s and 40s, and it’s got the style down to a T! Check it out […]