It’s been a few months since the last TCG Background update, but everyone at the TCG Background Investigations Department has been working hard trying to find some new TCG backgrounds which haven’t made the list! And by “TCG Background Investigations Department”, I mean “mostly the work of GC| Linkinboss over at the Research Sector channel […]
Category: Research

Okey dokey! Even though it’s been almost a month since my Unity courses actually ended… the fact that those courses encapsulated my life so completely meant that I basically spent this last month playing catch-up in other things in my life, such as getting all the bits and bobs I needed to finally get a […]

A lot of stuff has been happening since the release of New Pokémon Snap! For today’s post, I got: a little New Pokémon Snap update notice a small update to the Colordex based on the type icons revealed in NPS a new technique to get HYPER MEGA high-res pictures from NPS Is this new right […]

Oh boy-oh-boy… I still have a LOT to catch up on! It’s bad enough that I’m merely halfway done with my Unity certification (which means more lack-of-updating ahead), but the place I moved to after spending some three decades in foggy San Francisco had the audacity to start summer a whole five months earlier… so […]

With all the recent Gigaleaks and Megaleaks which have been revealing various mysterious bits of unknown and hidden Pokémon video game history to the masses… I must admit feeling like the Pokémon TCG has been left out in the cold a bit. Heck, not even a beta version of the Pokémon TCG Game Boy game […]

As an artist, I really enjoy looking relaxing pictures from time to time. I sometimes even have them as my desktop background! Here, let me share some of my favorite desktop backgrounds with you. Ahhhhh… I just love the sweeping hills of the one right there… better than the hills used as the Windows … […]

Oh boy! Well, while I’ve been taking care of real life stuff and Marvin has been complaining about it, ElementsnStuff over at the PA! Discord has been filling in some gaps in the various languages of Pokémon, namely Lentalian and Sinnohese, as seen in their respective and upcoming Pokémon video games for Nintendo Switch, New […]

Yeah hey so, part of the reason why I did my little repair job over the last couple days was partially to let some new Pokémon Legends Arceus theories and ideas build up… and boy did they! Once again, PA! Discord member ElementsnStuff is still over at the The Research Sector and we’ve been knocking our heads […]