Category: Site Media

If it’s something made with our own two hands our of our blood, sweat and tears… then it can be found here.

Oh man, I thought I lost this! OK so quick story time: fans of PA! might remember my slew of various words and catch phrases, like “sla”, “sna”, “bouly”, etc. Well, former PA! News Dude, Meweight, aka TPP, created this little handy utility on his website, called the “Nick15 Word Generator”. What it does is, […]

Oh God, what a day my yesterday was. I won’t bore you with the details, but I will say this: if you see a dead animal in the middle of the freeway, PLEASE DO NOT STOP YOUR CAR IN THE FREEWAY. And ESPECIALLY don’t convince other drivers to stop their cars too, thus blocking literally […]

Hey! I’m STILL not dead! In fact, we’re nearing the one-month-left point before PA!’s 21st Birthday on April 10th, 2020. What’s gonna happen? Well, swing by and find out! That said, I’m working on a new symbol typeface that I’m going to be using for the site (as well as for download). The goal is […]

Just to put it out there, here’s what I think Galarian Unown would look like. BTW, they are listed in my personal “Galarian alphabetical order”, namely: ! + ^ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P […]

ga9a4 becwve gv+e 4revx Yep, that’s right! This is our “official” Galarian alphabet font. Now for the sake of keeping things legal and generic, I named the font “Thraex“, after the type of Roman gladiator who—as part of their Thracian-style armor—were armed with a sword and shield (giddit?) It took me all of yesterday to […]

Man, I’m so used to just fiddling around with the site and writing down new notes and ideas that I keep forgetting to actually announce that I’ve been fiddling around with the site and writing down new notes and ideas. And so, here’s a post telling you that I’ve been fiddling around with the site […]

  Happy December Everyone! (oh chriiiist it’s almost 2020) Anyways, here’s a bit of artsy-fartsy for you this Sunday: THE FLAGS OF POKEMON REGIONS! Its something I kicked together a while back, but I’m sharing it with you guys now. It’s like, each region of Pokemon is supposed to be it’s own distinct place, right? […]

Hey everyone! Last August, Pokémon Worlds took place in San Francisco… and there was NO WAY I was gonna miss this! However, the event was closed to the public, which meant that I almost didn’t get a chance to visit it! Fortunately, I had my friend (and Judge), Eskil (aka Tego, once upon a time), […]