Category: Site Media

If it’s something made with our own two hands our of our blood, sweat and tears… then it can be found here.

I did it just for YOU. Well, "you" collectively, not "you" personally. Because that would be too weird.

So with the release of the “The Crown Tundra” DLC pack for Sword/Shield two days back, I’ve been carefully pouring over all of the new stuff that was released in it. And by “carefully pouring over”, I mean “hastily playing catch-up because I only just downloaded the DLC after forgetting all about it for two […]

One Weekend, One Hundred Points ... er... uh, divide the points by two.

Every so often, Tetris 99 for the Nintendo Switch holds a “Maximus Cup” event. Sometimes you can win money if you rank high enough, but most of the time you can earn a gameplay theme based on another game that’s being promoted. And so the prize for this 17th Maximus Cup will be the latter: […]

More funny youtubes

Here’s just a quick video I made of my brother playing Call of Duty Mobile and getting a few good shots in on people who aren’t paying much attention. Enjoy!

Go to your nearest mobile device to check it out!

Just a quick video, but I’ve got a big post that I’ve been working on for the last couple days almost ready to share with you guys. In the mean time, Pokémon GO got a surprise visit from Jessie & James… and this was my first encounter with them. Enjoy! See, nothing much… just two […]

How else will people know what region you came from?

So one of my favorite things to work on is worldbuilding. But just as much as I love writing up the actual stories of those worlds, I also enjoy creating the more “mundane” aspects of it… like flags and license plates and whatnot. Some time ago I shared my idea of what each region’s flags […]

You'll need to brush your teeth more often with all the sweet meets you'll get at the café!

Oh boy! New release day! …kinda. Did you see the “Pokémon Presents” video? If you haven’t, here’s a handy link: There’s a few things to go over about this video, not much, but still enough to fill a news post on a Pokémon fan site. Kinda like this one! Anyways, here’s the breakdown: This is […]

Super green, number one!

(Read on Instagram) Earlier today my Dad and I worked on framing and painting the chroma key (green screen) boards which I’ll be using for the YouTube series. Take a look! The challenge in all this wasn’t necessarily finding the right paint (which ended up being a Disney-branded color “Gamma Sector Green”, if you could […]

A look of things to come...

With my YouTube channel coming along nicely, I have thought about the reality that I may need to expand my scope to cover more things than just . I mean, apart from doing it for the sake of variety, but I might also just want to talk about other things in general too. So instead […]