Hello everyone, and welcome to a new idea I have planned for the site: the PA! Weekly Roundup! This is where, instead of writing up a bespoke post every time I do something, I’ll instead just pull everything cool that I found, or that others share with me, and just stick them into a single […]
Category: Scans

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating earlier… BDSP has kinda… well,… absorbed my time. Plus I’m still getting used to my new work/sleep schedule; like, in the past I usually would start working on an article around 9pm my time, but that was because I could go to bed any time I want. Now my […]

It’s been a few months since the last TCG Background update, but everyone at the TCG Background Investigations Department has been working hard trying to find some new TCG backgrounds which haven’t made the list! And by “TCG Background Investigations Department”, I mean “mostly the work of GC| Linkinboss over at the Research Sector channel […]
I’m not gonna say it’s been a slow news day, only because… well, PA! isn’t in the Daily Pokémon News business much anymore… BUT we still are in the “Pokémon Data Agregation” business, which is why I’m gung-ho on this McDonald’s Pokémon stuff. It might also be spurred on by the whole “no one can […]
Well, I’m three-for-three when it comes to McDonald’s goodies! So far every McDonald’s I’ve been to has always had Pokémon promo packs… of course I have to buy the Happy Meals (once I got tripped up in an awkward moment and lied when I said it was for my kids… ) but two of them […]
When I get home I’ll make a more detailed page about all this, but in the mean time, I’m here to share with you that McDonald’s officially began their “Pokémon 25” Happy Meal promotion today! Or maybe it was yesterday? Either way, your’s truly went over to his local Mickey D’s to get in in […]