Category: Gaming

These posts are of a generically gaming sort… nothing specific to any particular franchise or series, but rather anything under the large umbrella that is “gaming”.

Probably. It should be working now. Maybe.

YAY! If you’re reading this, that means you’re not illiterate! It also means that you might be interested in seeing your’s truly stream video games. First off, let’s take care of the formalities; wanna see me stream my video gaming prowess? Check out my Twitch account! OK so now with that out of the […]

Topics so important I decided to smash them all into a single post!

There’s been a bunch of other little tidbits that I’ve been meaning to talk about, but not enough to warrant a whole post about it. I guess maybe I just want to share something quick with youse-gaise just so show you that I’ve got my foot in those doors. Pokémon TCG Raid Battles Ooh jeez… […]