When it comes to making fake Pokémon TCG cards, I’ve learned that there are two main design goals that pretty much every faker aims for. But in both cases it’s about creating something you wish you could see happen in the game itself. Now most of the time we fakers have to do things on our own because… well, it’s not like TPCI and its franchisees will ever give us the tools we need to make the cards we want, right? Well, what if they manage to accidentally reveal those tools to us in plain sight??
Category: Blanks

Take a look at my indepth analysis on how fake… or real… this recent leak is. And I should know, I’ve made a TON of fake cards over the years!

I’m just gonna make this a quickie post just because I really don’t have much to chat about this time, but I’ve got two minor updates out of the way. e-Reader Page Updates First off: since adding the e-Reader Sprites and e-Reader Entries pages to the site, I’ve been working hard on getting as […]

With all the recent Gigaleaks and Megaleaks which have been revealing various mysterious bits of unknown and hidden Pokémon video game history to the masses… I must admit feeling like the Pokémon TCG has been left out in the cold a bit. Heck, not even a beta version of the Pokémon TCG Game Boy game […]
I’m gonna keep this news bit short and sweet, mostly because a lot of what I could talk about is already located on the actual “General Mills Pokémon Promos” page I just added. But…. as I found out yesterday, General Mills’ has a “Pokémon 25” promotion as well where they’re giving out packs of cards […]
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to McDonald’s and my luck of getting the Pokémon Happy Meals is still holding out… but today I got my first repeats (two more Green #4’s), so I’m gonna focus on NOT-McDonald’s updates for you. First off, I finally got around to making a Pokémon Aaah!-centric Instagram account, […]
Oh boy! Remember these guys?? Yes? No? Maybe so? Well, back in the olden days of PA!, we had released a set of alternative type blanks to be used. These types included Bug, Dragon, Ghost, Ice and Poison. People loved them, and they were a huge hit, so much so that we even made Card-e […]
This is just a quick post… but as I’m trying to finalize my “Space World” block sets—or at least get the ball rolling on it—I only just discovered that since the initial Sword & Shield TCG set, no new Dragon-type TCG cards have been made. But unlike the Fairy-type, where TPCi straight up said that […]