Fair Warning: this post is about 4.7 years old,
so some of the information might be a bit dated. On the other hand, this post was last modified
about 4.7 years ago, so maybe it's up-to-date after all. In any case, please keep all this
in mind while reading. Thanks for understanding!
A Quick Diversion:
The Actual News:
Ooh! Lookey what I found…!
While working on cleaning my room out to turn it into a mini video studio, I found these old relics from the past. Namely the guest baggies I got from both the 2000 West Coast Super Trainer Showdown on the Queen Mary, Long Beach, CA, and the 2000 Mall Tour which allowed people to qualify for it. Nifty!
There’s a lot to go through in these bags… so I’ll save it for next time. Hah! … ok, yeah. sorry for leading you on, but I’ll give you the breakdown of the baggies PLUS some first-hand memories of the events. If anything it’ll at least give their Bulbapedia articles plenty of material to work with.
That’s so cool. Wish I had some of that memorabilia still! I was lucky enough to win a trip to the West Coast STS and ended up placing 6th or so for the day — frankly the day was so exhausting that after I was eliminated in rd 2 of the top 8 I left and crashed without checking the final standing. One of our local judges actually picked up the plaque and hat (which I, too, still have) and gave it to me at our next local tournament.
Wow, that’s awesome! Yeah, I wish my luck held out like that… even though I managed to do incredibly well during my Mall Tour run (which I made a post about here if you didn’t see it already), I ultimately basically bottomed out in the actual WCSTS event. But at least we still had fun, which all that matters!
I also wish I had more of my memorabilia too, especially the t-shirts. Sadly, both my Mall Tour and WCSTS 2000 participant t-shirts were lost in a fire, but I’m glad that I still have the mall tour hat!
Speaking of which, if you still have your plaque and hat, would you mind sending a picture of them my way? I’m trying to gather as much information about all four of the Super Trainer Showdowns, but I’m still in the process of compiling information. I would totally love to be able to add anything you’ve got to share (duly credited, of course!).
Thanks for your reply, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you again. Huzzah!