The Actual News:
Oh man, a couple days back this super cute Pokémon cartoonyes, a cartoonwas posted on an (un?)official Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel, called “Scraggy & Mimikyu”. It was made to emulate the old skool Disney and Warner Bros cartoons from the 30s and 40s, and it’s got the style down to a T! Check it out here:
Pretty cute cartoon, huh? The animators really did their homework on the style.
But one small scene that caught my eye in the cartoon was the sign at the train station, which was clearly written in Galarian:

It looks like it says KREEQTLA or KREEQ9LA … although the third-from-the-last character seems to be written wrong, either backwards or sideways. In either case, it doesn’t appear to be an existing word, so that’s kinda interesting that the animators would given a new word to use in the cartoon like that.
Anyways, I just wanted to share this with you. See you next time!
Hello, I think the third-from-the-last character exists, I found it on this website second image (a 5 characters word).
Hmm… I’m not quite sure about that… like, there are the characters6 and 9 , but I haven’t seen any other similar characters in game.
This is considering that the picture you referenced is that of the Hotel Ionia (e6!^2 ) in Circhester. However, the Hotel Ionia is housed in two buildings, which the modelers just flipped/mirrored one horizontally to get the other. In doing so, it flipped/mirrored the graphic for its name as well:
That was admittedly lazy on Game Freak’s part, but in any case, that accounts for the existence of that character. So that’s why I didn’t think that letter counted.
For the record, I did consider that the name wasKREEQ6LA , but since the other characters were in “all caps”(*), the word didn’t look right using 6 versus 9 or T .
(* as in the letters+?#34789ABCDEGJKLMQRSTVWXY , versus the lower case letters !^01256fhinopuz .)
AT7IQEERY in the mirror is Antiquarian?
Assuming you meantAT7IQEERY … I’m not sure?
EDIT: Oooh, OK, I see… you meant putting the Galarian phrase in front of a mirror, like so:

…and you feel like it looks like the word “Antiquarian”? I see what you mean, but I think that’s might just be a coincidence. That said, I didn’t think about flipping Galarian letters/words and see if maybe there is an extra level of meaning, so at least you’ve given me something new to look into!