Fair Warning: this post is about 13 years old, so some of the information might be a bit dated. On the other hand, this post was last modified about 13 years ago, so maybe it's up-to-date after all. In any case, please keep all this in mind while reading. Thanks for understanding!
A Quick Diversion:  

The Actual News:

Pokédex 3D Logo

Hey! Ever wanted to see the AR Markers / AR Codes for ALL Pokémon, including Pokémon that don’t currently exist in the Pokédex 3D app for Nintendo 3DS? Then check out my handy dandy little AR Code generator app!

AR Code Generator App Thingy!

So wait… why should you use this generator instead of consulting the AR code list at Serebii.net? Simple! This app will generate EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE AR MARKER/CODE for the Pokédex 3D app, even if that code doesn’t actually show anything yet. For example, with this app you can generate Mewtwo’s AR Marker, as well as Skarmory’s, Lucario’s AND Bidoof’s AR code! This generator also gives you the AR code for 24 for the Pokédex 3D’s more mysterious features: twelve unique “Empty Pokéball” codes and twelve unique “Randomizer” markers.

BASICALLY: This app has MORE AR markers in it than Serebii EVER will! (Or technically, Serebii can only MATCH the number of AR markers that this app can generate, simply because there are only 1024 markers that the Pokédex 3D app can read to begin with… and my generator has them ALL!!)

Again, because the Pokédex 3D app doesn’t have all the Pokémon in it, many of these codes WILL NOT WORK yet! HOWEVER, I’m 95% positive that when the Pokédex 3D app is updated for ALL Pokémon, this AR codes generated by this app will be the AR code for that Pokémon!