Pokédex 3D Logo
This is where I will post the info I pulled together concerning the Pokédex 3D app/”game” for Nintendo 3DS. However, all I have is a graphic for it that I made for 4Chan. Enjoy!

I also made a Pokédex 3D AR Marker code Generator, which generates the AR marker code for ALL Pokémon and their formes… whether or not the Pokémon is actually in the Pokédex 3D to begin with! More info can be found here:
About the Pokédex 3D AR Marker Code Generator
The Pokédex 3D AR Marker Code Generator itself!


This graphic is merely the AR Marker codes for the twelve “Empty Pokéball”. Why they exist to begin with… I don’t know! But they’re there, and these are their AR marker codes. Enjoy! :)