Fair Warning: this post is about 5.2 years old, so some of the information might be a bit dated. On the other hand, this post was last modified about 5.2 years ago, so maybe it's up-to-date after all. In any case, please keep all this in mind while reading. Thanks for understanding!
A Quick Diversion:  

The Actual News:

ga9a4 becwve gv+e 4revx

Yep, that’s right! This is our “official” Galarian alphabet font. Now for the sake of keeping things legal and generic, I named the font “Thraex“, after the type of Roman gladiator who—as part of their Thracian-style armor—were armed with a sword and shield (giddit?)

It took me all of yesterday to make this, but it was totally worth it. However, it’s somewhat incomplete… there’s still some keming—er… kerning issues, such as with letters or letter pairs like y5k, etc… but at least it’s usable. My next step now is to replace the Galarian emotions on the Word List with the actual font.

Now if you want to download the font, you can do it here!

Download Thraex Sans
(Download Thraex Sans)
24kb .TTF file, v1.00 — last updated 2020-01-11

To write it in, simply consult the Galarian emoticon letter guide, since I used that as my reference. Furthermore, upper and lower-case letters produce the same character—like M and m—except for the letter “S”, which has two different forms: s and S.

And also remember, it’s still a “Beta” of sorts, so please come back for better versions later on down the road. I might also make other versions, such as a serif version (this one is sans-serif, thus “Thraex Sans”) and a handwritten version used on the autographs from each player’s cards.

And now for some gratuitous Galarian text!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum turpis turpis, cursus euismod nulla quis, finibus scelerisque diam. Morbi vestibulum arcu tortor, mattis dignissim nulla efficitur tempus. Phasellus quam lectus, tincidunt nec ligula id, mattis consectetur lectus. Aenean id ipsum ut mi consectetur mollis. Vivamus ut massa vitae nulla luctus sodales nec ut arcu. Sed et sagittis turpis. Maecenas porta, dui non pulvinar lacinia, urna nibh tempor nisl, id ornare id sapien.

S!julnaok q^8iw d53ise! 9^qhau! k6!3oqu+^s 91^. Y0d2 e296l2am6m v6cfjzm^c cucosu0 lzwb6 jpvh? X5wual1u sucf d1ndze c6e2 bfa82 +^9!lfl!rh? 4n+6 9i!41 q6om2ne66 vowh3 r6ri 36yn. 7hr1s4n so18pszk5xom tntwic wu6kie5e5 vnw!. 8hrt^m l^dn luq!ovo 8nkfd7f v5. J5eo l!buo 4n2r6u qu vftoq. Ensn 9ubxo8i4bfvu y!81p7h9n r!kf5 322a^ 8oic6uc6 3uencbuor!b. Tok^mt62 bhoqi tuqh voe!3 s^r1o c6ha!f. B6xuuq5x0 k1vnv si7cuyp1 wi3u dn j!jnuc65 auh8h2 c6 8u7599!!. +! aoe^vau75kfz ehwu58^3oy^i cncp yoy+i d^9e^yf. 72uanb vuro voq^v a26bo yzaicp mnrlo^. Efep5+!bpa w^az con9^fm6w 957u vpt^ xna!? Spj^6ch 4^31zxu1 e69lo l!3 d!6ju23n l5ze2zq6f. Tnh821 8uoj58i b5s!p +2 eo3!uvo8z1 ezr!m^t5. Sinw! aol6 e2iau6a!mvfh w!uwii eilw!z91o a5h3ikohaho. E^yi2 3!peiolodn9pa q6nkfw8hfbo mo2a^en9^oto c6j2qs^l!f. C6bn q01m^rh 968z m!7w!n qoe^o mhr1. Xhna1s tu7n+6w6twi6 l!^thmzr8i aoot5hlfmh wnq5l1xf? +olov1 w5riq enhe2safirp 81ah lnmju6 v2wnvr^. Qi3xfu e!82 eo7uicnl6 s!ua5obou e5ak^q1i 96l^^rn? W6q+1vl!l 9!e!h86 8!kl^ wfl8ow6w^9 q!^e571u8ott2 +6tw^. Bujb1cp5462 bpq^ q6nq51 c^6x! qndi yue58ciq. E^ab26v^ttf vhpdf8ivf au276dn s2u8h 8^yz7oy? Ehmmhx ao9!5 qoauf4zw6jzi w^aifcz b6osou32 s66jfi. Cu 3iokzotu j16r2s1q xiqz x!b^udhq28 yot0. Xnq2u q6vi k2mnn9ns t!33^die 8fk khe1c dua^. Jhbcu t1pmo toxii bo94o96^. Dnxxf36u 9pnenplp 9z^wz^ 42k6jfeny tur7!n? 3!e^n ypnmf 4ftn kubiv 7fjk51 9^3^?